Friday, November 6, 2009


i had the worst fever i've ever had in my life last night.  woke up at 4ish and couldn't fall back asleep cuz my feet and hands were ice cold but the rest of me was burning up.  felt like i had to throw up but didn't want to so i was nauseous all night too.  woke up this morning shivering and soaked with sweat.  skipped two of my classes, went to student health, bought a thermometer and some lozenges, took four separate, hour long naps throughout the day, went to a 3 hour long orchestra rehearsal, came back and watched the office.

it was a rough day.  i'm feeling better now though.  thank god for tylenol ultra strength.


  1. you have swine flu because you wished it on others in the previous post. God reads your blog.

  2. uh ohhhh.... hiniiiiiii!

    my mom told me h1n1 mutated to h1n3 because cats can get it now too! best watch yoselffff
