after the fun-filled festivities were over and everyone had gone back to their respective homes, i went upstairs to put away some of my newly acquired shirts, only to realize that my closet was getting way too crowded. so, i decided to get rid of all my clothes that i had outgrown (physically or stylistically) over the years. now, mind you, i hadn't done this since before i left for college (summer of 2006!), so by the end of the evening, i had about four trash bags worth of unwanted clothing.
i thought this was going to be a quick and easy process, but, as i was going through my drawers, i was soon confronted with the painful realization that i was quite possibly the world's worst dresser throughout high school. words cannot even begin to describe the tragedy. so, for your viewing pleasure (or horror), i have included some pictures of the more impressive pieces that made up my wardrobe for much of that era.
first, we have a pair of baggy jorts (one of many). you may be thinking, "eh, they're bad, but not that bad." this may be true, but only if jorts are worn on occasion. i wore jorts 95% of the time. the other 5%, i was either naked, or wearing a pair of....
carpenter jeans! funny story about this particular pair of carpenter jeans. the day i bought these pants, i came home and showed my sister, only to have her shriek in horror "CARPENTER JEANS? YOU CAN'T WEAR THOSE!!!" she then proceeded to tell me how they are a fashion faux pas and no respectable human being would ever be caught dead in them. so, i never wore them. thats right, i bought them and never once put them on after that day. i've decided this means i was either really insecure back then, or really respected my sister's advice when it came to fashion. probably a little bit of both.
next we have...
a nautica t-shirt. nautica was my absolute favorite brand back in the day. i know this is only one picture of one shirt, but trust me when i say this was one out of MANY. i didn't count, but i must have seen at least 10 different shirts go in the trash bags, all emblazoned with "NAUTICA" across the front. all shameless brand propaganda that my teenage mind eagerly bought into.
my second favorite brand, tommy hilfiger. i should point out that 80% of the clothing i found (including this lovely number) were sized either large or extra large. i think i intentionally bought clothes one size too big as an answer to my fascination with all things baggy, but this eventually turned into a necessity as i slowly but surely started to grow into my "baggy" clothing as i gained weight. needless to say, my high school years weren't my most attractive... more evidence below.
i don't even wanna talk about this one...
some other quality finds:
my baby/securty blanket. its hard to believe, but this used to have colorful pictures of dinosaurs on it. i played with it so much that its completely white now.
some time ago, i decided that, of my two school colors, blue looked the best on me. and here you see the result.
my awesome best buy shirt.
the final result. 4 bags of clothes for goodwill, and some much needed closet space. i should do this more often. cleaning out the closet is therapeutic.