Thursday, December 17, 2009

happy day

my last day of college was a hectic one.  for some reason, even though i went to bed at midnight last night, i couldn't fall asleep until well past 3. i was really irritated b/c i had to wake up at 7:15 the next morning. i kept getting overwhelmed by all these thoughts and anxieties that would just pop up randomly in my head.  i guess its not everyday that one marks the end 17 years of combined education, so maybe the thoughts were justified in some sense.  

anyway, that sleepless night ended at 7:15 am, which is the earliest i have been awake this semester.  i think its also the first time i ate breakfast at a dining hall this year.   thinking back, it probably would have been a good idea to schedule some classes before 11 this semester so i could get used to the feeling of being awake before 9.  regardless, my body was not enjoying the abrupt change in sleeping schedule.  i dont think i was even fully awake by the time my exam started at 9.  luckily i think i got through it ok.  i dont think there's anything quite like the feeling you get when you realize you just finished the last question on your last exam ever.  no joke, my heart was beating out of my chest as i turned in the paper, thanked the professor, and walked out the door.  everything inside me wanted to yell out "SO LONG SUCKERS" as i left, but i thought it might be a little much, so i refrained.  

then came the hard part.  i had to figure out a way to get all my clothes, tv, bedding, and computer stuff out of my apartment and into my tiny little acura integra.  i put all my clothes (minus the clothes hanging in my closet) in trash bags and one small suitcase and shoved them in my back seat.  i dunno how i managed to close my trunk with everything inside.  but it worked, and after 12 trips back and forth from my apartment to the car, i finally left charlottesville for good (not quite, i still have to go back in may and get my bed/dresser/desk).  

now i'm sitting at home on the couch with my dog watching oprah.  life is good.


  1. Congrats on graduating. I still have 5.5+ years to go....

  2. i enjoyed this post! i don't know how you managed to put everything in your car either. i bet it was really heavy when you were driving, huh? good thing that tire i "kicked" didn't malfunction. muhahahahahahaha.
