Thursday, June 10, 2010

stephen strasburg was born 11 days before me

...that makes me just a little depressed.  i'm pretty sure i couldn't even strike out a little league team 14 times in one game. hooray dc baseball.  the goal is to see him pitch live at least once this summer.  anybody up for another nats game?

completely unrelated (and tmi), but i hate pooping at work.  it seems like everyone on my floor suddenly has the urge to go too right when i sit down.  might as well open the door and have a party in there.  also, the toilets are automatic so you can't courtesy flush unless you want to stand, wait for the little sensor thingy and sit back down.  sometimes that doesn't even work.  oh, and another thing, there are way too many people who either a) have conversations in the bathroom while doing their business or b) talk on the #*%&@ phone.  newsflash, the person on the other line can tell .  hang up for 5 mins and call them back later.  your kids' daycare schedule/this evening's dinner plans/your fantasy baseball squad/whatever meaningless thing you're talking about can wait.  am i wrong to be annoyed by this?  as far as i'm concerned, men's rooms are for taking care of discrete personal business, not talking.  i swear, today i saw two guys just chatting it up while parked in front of side-by-side urinals like it was no big deal.  i'm pretty sure they made eye contact multiple times too.  gross. 

in the past two weeks, i've bought two wedding presents for two different weddings.  i don't think this is something i'll grow accustomed to anytime soon.  going to friends' weddings (where i am the sole invitee in my family) is still kind of a weird idea to me.  don't worry, i plan on waiting a long time before i subject any of my friends to this situation (but when i do, we gonna have a party....).

random post, but i promised i'd write more so here it is.

1 comment:

  1. haha, the title of this post + the first sentence of this post made me laugh.
