Sunday, August 30, 2009

My Saturday

Today I did three things. 

1. Pay for Chinese food in quarters -

So, I woke up around 11 this morning and went back and forth in my mind for about an hour about whether I wanted to drive to a dining hall or order in.  My lazy side took over and I decided to order from the only place that delivers orders under 10 bucks; the local Chinese place (Too lazy to drive.  I know.  Pathetic.).  Over the years, I've ordered so much from this place that the lady who takes the orders over the phone knows me by my voice and the delivery guy and I share a special bond that could only exist between an overworked delivery man in his forties and a low tipping college student.  Knowing our relationship isn't exactly "peachy," I decided before he came that I'd tip him more than average (because I'm such a nice guy).  Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang, and sure enough, there he stood with my General Tso's lunch special and spring roll  in hand (I like to play it safe.)  He even smiled and asked me how my summer was.  We made small talk until I reached for my wallet to pay him.  At this point I was envisioning in my head the smile on his face as I'd pull out a ten and tell him to "keep the change" (all cool, like they do in the movies).  What I didn't expect was to pull out my wallet and only see 3 dollars.  I mentally kicked myself for not checking if I had enough cash before I called and suffered a minor panic attack until I remembered where I could find more cash.  My laundry fund.  (Lucky for me, getting quarters for laundry was #1 on my back to school to-do list).  So, I scampered back into my room and grabbed a fistful of quarters.  Ten seconds later, I ran out victorious, pockets jingling, and dumped 5 dollars worth of quarters into his unwilling hands.  Needless to say, he didn't even want my tip.  He just mumbled, "It's ok," and walked back up the steps to his car.  :( 

Now I can see why people stereotype college kids as bad restaurant patrons.  It sucks that I added to that stereotype.  My deepest apologies to all my college friends.  I did not represent you well today. 

The next time I order from there (if I have the balls to) I fully expect my special friend to either 1. spit in my food (which he is so entitled to do) or 2. put me on the "do not deliver to" blacklist.  Maybe God is telling me to stop eating unhealthy food. 

2.  Yoga.  Not even kidding.

Two hours passed.  After letting my stomach and shamed conscience digest what had just happened, I convinced myself to do something healthy.  (A little background knowledge.  I, along with what seems like every other male at NCFC, have faithfully been doing the famed p90x workouts). With renewed energy, I excitedly grabbed the workout manual to see what gut busting, manly workout was on the schedule for today.  Imagining sweat rolling down my glistening biceps as I'd grimace at the mirror, I did a double take when I saw what could only be a typo; "Day 4 - Yoga X." 

"Yoga X?  Get that crap out of my face.  I'm no girl.  What will the roommates think?"

In the past, when I'd thought of yoga, this is the lady that popped into my head. Manly indeed. 

I don't know what did it, but I decided to swallow my pride and get on with the workout (along with my good sport roommate, Jeremy).  Resigned to my fate, I reluctantly popped in the DVD and immediately cringed at the sound of the soothing, quasi-oriental music that wafted from my television speakers.  This was going to be a long hour and a half. 

Well, suffice it to say, I was wrong.  About everything.  Yoga is HARD.  Holy crap, I don't think I've ever sweat that much in my life.  No joke.  Mad respect for Wai Lani and all her fellow Yogis.  The things they can do with their bodies is crazy.  And a little disturbing. I never knew I was so inflexible.  I was struggling halfway into the second move and was dying by the end.  If you ever want to hear me squeal like a little girl, watch me do yoga.

3.  Wrote this blog entry.

Full day.  Got a lot done.  Proud of myself.


  1. haha, my dad told me, his employees hate it when customers tip in change because it's disrespectful, or something? btw, i'm not trying to make you feel bad or anything. you should've told him to take the $3 as tip and pay your food with the change instead!

    btw, yoga + pilates IS difficult! it's a good workout too :) i <3 it except for the weird zen yoga. that i don't dig.


  2. should find a way to describe the sound you made as you were bringing your legs down during whatever exercise made us stand on our necks and upper spinal chords.

  3. hahahahaa. if you're wondering why i'm 2 weeks behind in commenting, it's because i forgot to subscribe to your blog and i never read them unless i subscribe. my b.
