Wednesday, June 23, 2010

i'm so excited

my iphone is coming today!  its been over 2 years since i got my (now dented and scratched) current phone.  just last week, i shut my car door on it, further damaging it. 

except, i don't wanna be "that guy" who sneakily tries to show off his new gadget by taking it out whenever anyone is within visual range, so i think i'll hide it until they get more common.

the only problem is, since i left my family plan to get it, att is giving me a new number.  this leaves me with a dilemma of sorts.  how should i let people know of the change? 

i could either:
1. make a facebook group and selectively invite people who i call/get called by alot.
2. send out mass texts
3. do nothing and enjoy never being called again (there are pros and cons to this).

what do you guys think i should do?  do you get as annoyed as i do when you get invited to phone # groups on facebook?

completely unrelated, but that us/algeria match will be talked about for decades.  i thought yesterday's game (sk/nigeria) was exciting, but this one definitely takes the cake.  talk about determination and sheer willpower.  lousy officiating aside, i could not be happier with this world cup.


  1. #3! #3! it could be a social experiment.

  2. #1!

    don't listen to skim, she hates using the phone!

    you don't wanna be THAT GUY but you made a blogpost about it!!! HI THAT GUY!!!!

    ps. i really wanna play with your phone.
