Monday, September 28, 2009

new look

I was unhappy with the way my blog looked, so I changed a couple things.  I think it's an improvement.  I also thought the title was pretentious sounding so I changed that too.  Hope you enjoy.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

good fortune?

today, my fortune cookie said, "you will be showered with good luch" (emphasis added).

i figure this could mean one of two things.

1. you will be showered with good luck
2. you will be showered with good lunch

i dont know whether i should be happy or walk around with a heavy duty umbrella all day.

Friday, September 25, 2009

to do

(not in any particular order)

look for work
clean my desk
go to the driving range (asap)
get some brown dress shoes
buy some dress shirts
get money for ^
clip my fingernails
find my nail clipper
call home
study for econ 415 test
listen to new music from stacey
eat healthier
develop an appreciation for salads
develop an aversion to fried food
do a qt

Saturday, September 19, 2009

home for the weekend

put two college kids together with a mac and this is inevitable...


the hunchback of notre dame

p90x day 20

they call me 'afro thunder'

we're so cool

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Today, I finally got fed up with my computer's slowness so I did what I should have done a long time ago.

I wiped it clean. 

That's right, I restored factory settings.  Apparently each computer comes with a CD that allows you to do this.  Envision it as an atomic bomb for your data.  Don't worry, I moved most of the important stuff to my external HD before I let the cleansing begin.

No more old episodes of entourage.  No more adware/spyware.  No more itunes installer programs (I swear I had at least 5 of those on my HD).  No more random codecs for even randomer file types that I only had to use once.  No more weather bug.  No more unused software. The list goes on and on. 

It feels like my computer has been holding in the worst load of diarrhea for the past 4 years and I unclogged the drain.  Now, everything is lightning fast.  Before, it took literally 15 minutes to boot up the home screen (True story, I timed it).  Now, it takes less than a minute.  Before, I had to cross my fingers whenever opening large programs like itunes, because I was afraid the computer would freeze (which happened more than once).  Now it can handle multiple programs at once without a hitch. 

I'm not gonna lie, it was a little bit of a pain to reinstall my printer driver and firefox and itunes and all that, but it was worth it.  The only thing I really need to do now is get a copy of microsoft office (left my cd key at home) and I'm good to go.  Good thing the bookstore sells it for 10 bucks.  Gotta love student discounts.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

a small rant

Today, I was waiting at a crowded bus stop and out of the corner of my eye, I saw (and heard) a guy riding down the street on one of these...
I don't know about anyone else, but I'd rather be caught roller blading (wrist pads and all) than cruising down the road in one of these whiny, high pitched crap mobiles.  I don't know how many people were at the bus stop with me, but I'm pretty sure no one was thinking, "That guy is SO cool," as he drove by.  If you need to validate yourself by driving a motorcycle, at least make sure its adult sized.  Dude looked like a clown on a tricycle.  
He looked so mind bogglingly stupid that I even tried to rationalize it by thinking to myself, "Maybe he's really late to something and had no other transportation." But I realized even that excuse sucks.  What event could possibly have been so important that he needed to sacrifice all dignity to get there?    Let me put it this way: If I had to choose between missing my first child's birth and riding one of these to the hospital to get there on time, someone else is gonna be cutting the cord.  I'd rather watch the birth on video later than give up my dignity so easily (the small amount I still carry with me).
Call me a hater, but stupid stuff needs to be hated on.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Friday - Game night with old drumline friends.  We played charades and taboo for 3 hours.  Yes, we are college students.  No, we don't care what you think.

Saturday - Watched the public humiliation that was our football team's loss to William and Mary (an FBS team).  I didn't even know they had a football team until I saw that we were scheduled to play them.  The best part of the day was the free beer and cheeseburgers I got at some girl's tailgate before the game.  Delicious.

Sunday - Went to Portico (a church) with S.  It's a medium size church, but seems like they have their act together.   I know its superficial, but I couldn't help but notice that their service has a pretty high production value.  I'm pretty sure everyone on the worship team (and doing the sound in the back) is a professional.  Also, the speaker is pretty gifted.  Held my attention for about an hour.  Props. 

After, ate at Panera and drove home.  Eating before driving is a mistake.  I almost fell asleep numerous times.  Had to stop at a Sheetz for some coffee (which I never drink).  Luckily I had my Ipod with me.  It held me over till I got home. 

Then, Frontline (at Mclean Bible Church) with F and her friend.  I can never get over the hugeness of that place.  Also, the same thing I said about production value goes for them too.  The speaker talked about Christian community. And at one point during his sermon he said "swole."  I laughed.

Monday - Whenever I come home from school, I have a day where I get destroyed by allergies, then they go away after that.  I think its my dog.  Monday was that day.  Also, it might not help that I stayed up till 3 the night before.  I'm sure lots of factors contributed to my stuffiness and misery. 

First thing I did was attempt to mow the lawn.  I got on my scrubby clothes and walked outside, only to realize it was raining.  I secretly rejoiced (and felt guilty for doing so) and went back in.  Then, I watched the tennis match between Melanie Oudin and the Russian girl (Nadia something).  It was awesome.  I have never been so into tennis in my life.  Filled with drama and tense moments, it was a pretty exhilarating match.  The spunky 17 year old  American newcomer vs. the intimidating Russian veteran.  Sounds like some cold war era propaganda story.  If you haven't heard of it already (which is impossible if you watch ESPN at all), basically the story goes like this: Young up-and-coming American girl from Georgia is known for dropping first sets then coming back to win in most of her previous matches.  She loses 6-1 in the first set.  Battles back and wins a hard-fought set #2.  Then, with her opponent reeling, strikes the final blow and demolishes her in set 3.  Youngest player to reach the quarterfinals in a Grand Slam event since Serena back in 1999, the next great hope for American tennis, the Russian killer, yadda yadda yadda.  You should have seen me, sitting there on my couch all alone in my scrubby lawn mowing clothes, watching the match with my dog, screaming at the TV, "COME ON, ONE MORE POINT!"  Even the commentators were rooting for her, saying stuff like, "For all of us with the privilege of being involved with sport, these are the moments we live for..." Made my day. 

Then, went to Tyson's with F.  Watched "Extract."  Pretty funny comedy from the writer of "Office Space."  I could definitely see the similarities between the two.  Ate at Gordon Biersch (sp?) for the first time.  Ordered their beer sampler.  Didn't finish it.  There were some pretty funky tasting ones.  Needless to say, I am not experienced enough at beer drinking to discern the fine nuances that exist between the different varieties.  Also, ordered fish and chips.  Mistake: ordering garlic on my fries.  I just burped 5 mins ago and it still tastes like garlic.  Then, browsed the mall for a bit.  Tyson's has every store imaginable inside (How many sunglasses stores does one place need? I counted at least 3).  I was winded just walking from one end to the other.  Looked at some shoes. Decided I could wait to buy them after looking at the price.  One day I will be rich enough to shop at Nordstrom.  Yesterday was not that day.

Came home and oovoo'ed with Stacey.  It was 3 of us (4 including the dog) huddled around one webcam, talking to Stacey down in blacksburg (boo hokies).  My mom was especially amazed at the webcam technology. 

"You mean we can talk to her and see her at the same time???"
"No, Mom, we just stare at each other over the internet. Of course we can do both...."

I love my Mom.

Today - woke up early.  Allergies were gone.  Ate some cereal (Kashi Go-Lean Crunch. Can't decide if I like it or not.), filled up the car and drove back here.  Remembered that food makes me sleepy and fought drowsiness the whole way back.  This time without the help of an Ipod (battery failed).  I arrived at my apartment and the first thing I did was take a nap... at 11:15 in the morning.  I woke up feeling very out of it and went to class.  It was a mistake to schedule two 1.5 hr econ classes, one right after the other.  By the time the second one rolls around, I'm so fed up with hearing about cost curves and isoquants that it basically goes in one ear and out the other.  Luckily the second class is mostly review for now.  After that, came home, worked out (shoulders and arms, aka the "glamour workout"), showered, went to jazz, played pool, ate dinner, did hw with friends, came back to apt, wrote this blog. 

Pretty hectic weekend.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hump day

Ordered Chinese food again today.  Guess who delivered my food?  That's right, my special friend.  This time, I was smart though.  I paid with credit card so I could just write the amount of the tip on the receipt.  I ended up tipping him close to 40 percent because I felt so bad about the last time.  I even apologized.  And it turns out, he didn't even remember!!  When I said, "Sorry about the last time," he looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language (maybe not so far from the truth).  I reminded him about our little encounter and he just said, "No big deal."  I guess all's well that ends well. 

That probably won't be the last of my blog entries mentioning him.  I'm thinking about running a series entitled, "The Adventures of Chinese food delivery guy and college boy," where I'll chronicle our journey through the school year.  The only problem is, our encounters are usually not so interesting.  Next time I'm thinking of waiting by the door with a water balloon and surprising him.  Stay tuned.

Also, I found out today that I need to procure a tuxedo sometime in the near future.  Apparently the Charlottesville University Symphony Orchestra likes to roll classy.  I called my mom to schedule a shopping trip when I come up this weekend, but she would have none of it. 

"I'm not buying you a dang tuxedo! I'm looking on craigslist."

So, for the next 20 minutes, I had to sit through her reading off craigslist entries trying to unload used tuxedos.  It went something like this...

"Look! 'Used tuxedo in Herndon.'  Oops, its from the 1960s."
"Look! 'Used tuxedo in Germantown.'  Oops, its for toddlers."
"Loo... Oops, its powder blue."

Pretty soon she realized it wasn't happening, so I think I convinced her to take me shopping.  At least if I get a used one from the store, it will fit and hopefully have been dry cleaned.

till the next time...