Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hump day

Ordered Chinese food again today.  Guess who delivered my food?  That's right, my special friend.  This time, I was smart though.  I paid with credit card so I could just write the amount of the tip on the receipt.  I ended up tipping him close to 40 percent because I felt so bad about the last time.  I even apologized.  And it turns out, he didn't even remember!!  When I said, "Sorry about the last time," he looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language (maybe not so far from the truth).  I reminded him about our little encounter and he just said, "No big deal."  I guess all's well that ends well. 

That probably won't be the last of my blog entries mentioning him.  I'm thinking about running a series entitled, "The Adventures of Chinese food delivery guy and college boy," where I'll chronicle our journey through the school year.  The only problem is, our encounters are usually not so interesting.  Next time I'm thinking of waiting by the door with a water balloon and surprising him.  Stay tuned.

Also, I found out today that I need to procure a tuxedo sometime in the near future.  Apparently the Charlottesville University Symphony Orchestra likes to roll classy.  I called my mom to schedule a shopping trip when I come up this weekend, but she would have none of it. 

"I'm not buying you a dang tuxedo! I'm looking on craigslist."

So, for the next 20 minutes, I had to sit through her reading off craigslist entries trying to unload used tuxedos.  It went something like this...

"Look! 'Used tuxedo in Herndon.'  Oops, its from the 1960s."
"Look! 'Used tuxedo in Germantown.'  Oops, its for toddlers."
"Loo... Oops, its powder blue."

Pretty soon she realized it wasn't happening, so I think I convinced her to take me shopping.  At least if I get a used one from the store, it will fit and hopefully have been dry cleaned.

till the next time...


  1. You're building a strong relationship with a delivery boy.

    Aren't there loads of places where you can buy a tux? I think there has to be at least one tuxedo store in a mall or something.

  2. i think you should do the series. C'MON! i would enjoy reading it. it's like dry humor. gotta love it.

    good luck on the tux shopping!
