Thursday, November 12, 2009

happy guinness world records day

who invents a sport like this?


  1. i just googled "origins of cup stacking" and found out that it's actually called SPORT STACKING. really?!?!

    invented by wayne godinet (

    i just tried googling a picture of mr. godinet but it seems as though it doesn't exist! he must be camera shy.

    or just ridiculously embarrassed that he's linked with sport stacking.

  2. btw, i love that the last team actually has a coach. makes it legit! a legit sport! i wonder if there are any fouls.............

  3. i practice sport stacking at home.. when i'm bored.. but with paper cups..

  4. hhhahahha, mary's cousin won sort of competition or set some record for this when he was little hahah.
