Monday, December 7, 2009

getting into that christmas spirit

snow + holiday concert with the cville/university symphony orchestra = me in a christmas-y mood.  can't really imagine the season without the music that goes along with it. 

i'm not usually a sappy or sentimental person when it comes to christmas-time (i usually ask for money), but this year, for some reason, i can't help but become overwhelmed with excitement when i think about the season.  example: i found myself listening to the all-christmas song station for the first time in a while today.  maybe it's because this christmas will be my first christmas without having to worry about going back to school the next month.  it takes some stress off and allows me to just enjoy the present.  but that comes with its own challenges.  im sure when i find out how bleak the job market really is, i'll beg to come back. 

i think i'm ready to be out on my own.  which won't really be the case, b/c everyone knows i'll be living with my parents again, but you know what i mean.  i hope it doesn't become high school all over again, with curfews and stuff.  part of me wants to stay at home and not pay for laundry (or food) ever, but another part of me secretly wants my parents to kick me out after a couple months so i can learn to be independent (and cook).  that part of me also wants/needs a job.

applied to be a substitute teacher today cuz i'm not hearing back from the census bureau and i need work.  we'll see about that. 

said my first "good byes" today.  we finished cleaning up the instrument room after the concert and someone said, "aw, this is your last concert.  we probably won't see each other for awhile."  i think that's when it really hit me.  after these next two weeks, everything that has been my life for the past 4 years is over and done with.  i didn't really have anything to say then b/c i'm terrible at good-byes and being the center of attention, but i will dearly miss the people that have been a part of my life at U. Va.  my sentimental side wants to stay in touch, but reality says a lot of the bonds made during these past four years will become weakened or cut in the future. don't really know how i feel about that. i guess i'm glad i got the opportunity to meet such wonderful people. hopefully i have had as much as an impact on them as they have had on me. and there are still many more goodbyes to be said.  i should get on that before time runs out. 

being in such a contemplative mood always leaves me kind of sad.  so, to cheer myself up, i watched some youtube videos.  here's one of the gems i ran across today (thanks, stacey).

hope you all find time to experience the joy of the season and to celebrate the love of the one who gives us reason to be joyful.


  1. Haha, I love that video, especially how towards the end he just sings the same note like 5 times in a row, then even goes down some.

    also, substitute teacher? that's really cool

  2. 1. i loveeeee christmas time!! i listened to christmas music on the way to school today :)
    2. stubstitute teacher, ey? are you gonna be the cool sub who lets you play or the strict one who actually makes you do work? ...i hated the strict ones..
    3. youll like living at home for the first few weeks and then loahte it.. well that's how i feel.
    4. i hate goodbyes as well :( but we'll make new friends! :)

  3. 1. kim copied my numbering system with comments! i guess i'm just really cool.
    2. i love christmas music, but this year, i haven't really been listening to any! maybe that's why i'm not in the christmas spirit yet.
    3. i hate goodbyes. i think they're awkward. i bet you're super awkward with them too.
    4. live at home until you can stand on your own two feet financially! then, get outta thereeeee!
    5. the video... HAHAHAHAHHHA. i seriously was laughing so hard. some of notes he was singing sounded exactly the same. loved his facial expression towards the end.
